Aku abis klas awal ari ni, tapi aku lepak-lepak dulu kat blok-blok akademik....
Tapi boring
Maybe sebab abis kelas awal sangat
Tadi ada kuiz kimia, confident gile masa jawab
balik-balik bilik, dengar la suara-suara bebudak ME merungut
"Baru ar aku tau asal lambat yang gi kelas fizik" - A
"Asal lak?" - B
"Diorang siapkan calculation untuk kuiz tadi tu" - A
" Ko buat tak?" - B
" Aku tak tau kena wat, x wat ar" -A
Aku? Senyap je la, aku x wat jugak calculation tu~
Abis? Korang na leh buat ape kalo dah antar?
Berharap dapat jugak la markah, at least ada.....
Terfikir Sesuatu~
2:18 PM / by Pojan
Post by: Fauzan Latif
Fauzan Latif is a student studying in Universiti Teknologi Petronas for Mechanical department. Yet, he show big interests in games, food, gadjets, blogs and especially towards photography.
Check out his photo team -->Posted in: after quiz, chemistry, kimia
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