Pergghh! Dah lama gila aku tak bukak blog. Dah ada macam macam jenis sarang dah dalam blog ni, sarang labah-labah, sarang semut, sarang tenuk (?) dan macam-macam lagi. Kena bersihkan ni! Pffft!
Even hamster pon terkejut tengok sarang-sarang yang ada kat blog ni -___- How come aku dah lama tak menjenguk kalerpenselaku ni? Aku dah jadi kaya? Aku dah ada banyak awek? Aku jadi CEO company? Well, semua pon salah (seriously? CEO of a company? Me??)
The fact is, I was just to busy with assignments, quizes, tests and lots more. I mean, come on dude, I'm still a student! At this point of my life, I could only think of graduating as fast as possible from this mind fucking place! No offence though. How hard I struggled for it, I still have to study at least 2 and a half years before I literally leave this place..OMG.
Now that I'm a 'lil bit free, I might be posting some stuffs and my opinions I think.
- notice the typo in the pic? well it's not mine so dont #troll me
About this blog
A blog where I wrote everything about what I feel towards this colorful world. The world is so colorful that it would be an unimaginable waste if they are not shared. It make me curious to know know more about this world. Why not come here and read my stories and in return I'll visit your site and read yours?
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ada tiga kaler aja. ko nak sedekahkan lagi?